What is the difference between a matte and dewy foundation?


by benedict , in category: Fashion and Beauty , a year ago

What is the difference between a matte and dewy foundation?

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2 answers

by taryn.grimes , a year ago


Matte and dewy foundations refer to the finish or texture of the foundation on the skin.

Matte foundation:

  • Matte foundation has a flat, shine-free finish.
  • It is designed to absorb excess oil and give a more matte and powdery look.
  • It is often recommended for people with oily skin or those who prefer a more natural-looking finish.
  • Matte foundations can help minimize the appearance of pores and create a smoother complexion.
  • They provide a longer-lasting coverage and are less likely to transfer or melt off the skin throughout the day.

Dewy foundation:

  • Dewy foundation has a radiant, moist, or "glowy" finish.
  • It is formulated to provide a luminous, healthy-looking sheen to the skin.
  • Dewy foundations are often preferred by people with dry or dull skin as they provide hydration and add a natural radiance to the complexion.
  • They can give a youthful and fresh appearance by reflecting light and making the skin look more supple and hydrated.
  • Dewy foundations may not last as long as matte foundations as they may need touch-ups throughout the day, especially for those with oilier skin types.

It's important to note that personal preference and skin type play crucial roles in choosing between matte and dewy foundations. Experimenting with different finishes can help find the one that suits your desired look and skin needs.


by tara , a year ago


The main difference between a matte and dewy foundation lies in the finish they provide to the skin.

Matte foundation:

  • Provides a flat, shine-free finish.
  • Absorbs excess oil on the skin, making it ideal for oily or combination skin types.
  • Gives a more natural, subtle look, as it helps to blur the appearance of pores and imperfections.
  • Can make the skin appear more smooth and velvety.
  • Can sometimes feel dry on drier skin types if not properly moisturized.

Dewy foundation:

  • Provides a luminous, glowing finish.
  • Adds radiance and a healthy-looking sheen to the skin.
  • Often contains light-reflecting particles that give the appearance of a fresh, dewy complexion.
  • Aims to hydrate and illuminate the skin, making it suitable for normal to dry skin types.
  • Can make oily skin look greasy or shiny if not well-managed with powder or setting spray.

Ultimately, the choice between matte and dewy foundation depends on personal preference and skin type.